Archives for July 2019

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How to Look for Jesus

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Simeon was an old man, close to death, a righteous and devout follower of God. You find his story in Luke 2: 25-35. He looks for the comfort of Israel, the Messiah. Soon after Jesus' birth, Joseph and Mary arrive at the Temple, according to the Law of Moses, to present Jesus. Ancient Simeon is drawn to them. His looking is rewarded- here is the Lord's Messiah in person. ...

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Trapped behind a Wall

berlin wall

If you were born in East Berlin, Germany in 1961, you were born in captivity. East Berliners lived behind 15-foot-high concrete walls, prisoners in their own city. Escape was attempted, seldom achieved. The fear and frustration continued for three decades. Friends and relatives lived just feet away, on the other side of the wall; death threatened any physical attempt to v...

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Forever on a Sunday


Jesus' resurrection is the most important miracle in history. If Christ was not raised from the dead, the faith we place in God is useless. The proclamation of the gospel is useless. Anyone who claims the tomb is empty is a liar. Without the resurrection, living is hopeless. Death, our last enemy wins, if there is no resurrection.Paul addresses these threats in 1 Corin...

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Photo Gallery


Enjoy these photos from the July Outdoor Service....

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