July 2024 Church Council Minutes
July 2024 Wakeman Congregational Church
Church Council Minutes
Moderator, Nathan Murdock, called the Church Council meeting to order at 7:05 pm on Wednesday, July 10, 2024, in the church outreach building. Pastor Janet opened with a prayer.
Those in attendance: Janet Ross, Pastor; Ken Green, Treasurer; Dan Green, Historian; JoDee Palmer, Diaconate; Keely Krumwiede, Music; Steve Dillon, Trustee; Pete Hazel, Trustee; Melinda Dalton, Stewardship and Search Committee; Olivia Krumwiede, Christian Ed., church secretary; Darnel Patrick, Diaconate; Brenda Friend, Trustee; Diane Garner, Missions, Financial Secretary; John Krumwiede, Trustee; Susan Hazel, Clerk; and Nathan Murdock, Moderator.
The reading of the June Council minutes was tabled. It was agreed that the June minutes would be reviewed and approved at
the next meeting.
Calendar Dates:
June, July, August – outside worship in the pavilion, weather permitting.
Messenger articles due July 29 th .
The Wakeman Firefighters Homecoming Festival is scheduled for Saturday, July 27th. Parade starts at 1:00 pm (line up and registration 11:00-12:30).
Chicken BBQ September 7 th.
Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer, Ken Green, reported that the financial picture for the first six months of 2024 for the Wakeman
Congregational Church was very positive. Income year-to-date has exceeded expenses by more than $14,000. The
2024 income has more than doubled the first 6-month income of 2023. Expenses are up by 85% in comparison to
last year.
$918 was donated to Abigail.
VBS raised $574 - PLUS a matching donation for the Heifer Project.
There was $1340 in donations for VBS expenses. There has also been a pledge to cover any additional VBS costs.
Pastor’s Report
Pastor Janet is sending personalized notes to each of the VBS families.
She thanked the Diaconate for approval of the requested August vacation time. Diaconate will arrange for an August
11 th supply minister.
Janet officiated as Wayne Ortner and his bride, Paula Charnock, celebrated their wedding in our church on June 29 th .
Diaconate’s Report
Members of the Diaconate met July 7 th .
Two members of the church have expressed interest in serving on the Diaconate.
Pastor Janet is working to get members and friends to talk about their faith journey.
Communion options are being explored.
Trustees’ Report:
The Trustees met at 6:30pm on July 10th.
Fisher Music has submitted bids and proposals for the church sound board. The trustees approved the option which
will move all the sound equipment to the back of the sanctuary.
Trustees approved Cintas to inspect the fire extinguishers.
The church insurance company wants the ball field bleachers removed due to safety concerns.
Trustees want to remove bushes behind ballfield home plate. They are discussing the need to confirm lot lines. Will it
be necessary to have the property surveyed? They are contacting surveyors for cost estimates.
Stewardship – The Stewardship Committee will be discussing a push for designations to the “access fund” in this year’s campaign. - ONE CHURCH FOR ALL -
Christian Education – Appreciation was expressed for the outstanding VBS program
The committee recognized Annette’s help in cleaning up the church following VBS
The committee will prepare to participate in the Wakeman Festival Parade with a float
Final VBS clean up will be completed sometime after the July 27 th parade.
Music – The keyboard and sound system is working well in the pavilion.
Missions – Melinda reported that:
The church is very pleased with the support for the Abigail Missions Project. (in addition to the $918 remitted by the
church treasurer, 2 checks were also sent directly to the Norwalk Abigail Project)
Melinda reported that the Wakeman Red Caps and Ruritan Club have made commitments to donate funds for the
clothing closet purchase of socks and underwear.
The closet needs donations of girls’ and boys’ pants.
Social and Reception – The committee continues to host receptions with the support of many.
Historian – Dan Green is trying to research the wood box that is used for Caring Community donations.
Moving Ahead Committee – Will meet July 11 th .
Search Committee – Nathan, Melinda, Steve, Keely and Ken Green made a presentation under New Business.
Nathan reported that September 7 th is being considered for the chicken BBQ.
Financial Secretary, Diane Garner raised concerns that the church is using a very outdated Window’s Church
Program. A new program or option is needed which can support updates, etc.
NEW BUSINESS: Pastor Janet Ross was respectfully excused from the council meeting at this point.
Search Committee report presented by Melinda Dalton:
“The Wakeman Congregational Church Search Committee, which included Ken Green, Keely Krumwiede, Steve Dillon, Diane Garner, and Melinda Dalton, met several times to develop a list of twelve questions to use to interview Pastor Janet Ross. The interview list included four questions that dealt with how Pastor Janet could reconcile her belief system with some Doctrine Statements and a Statement of Faith declaration found in our church constitution.
An interview was then held with Pastor Janet on Monday, July 1, 2024, and was attended by all five members of the Search Committee.
After the interview, the committee members held a discussion about the responses that Pastor Janet gave to the questions. All five members of the search committee agreed that Pastor Janet’s answers confirmed that she could support all
constitutional statements, as well as be an effective Pastor for our church.
The Search Committee members unanimously voted to recommend to the Moderator, Diaconate and Church Council that we accept Pastor Janet Ross as our candidate for the position of a full-time permanent minister of the Wakeman Congregational
Members of Church Council reviewed questions with the Search Committee members. Following discussion, Brenda Friend motioned to accept the Search Committee’s recommendation and to call for a congregational meeting.as specified in the church constitution. Melinda Dalton seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Discussion noted that the constitution requires a 2/3 majority vote of members present at the Congregational Meeting to call a new minister. The Trustees will address the contract details with the candidate. It was agreed that that the Congregational Meeting will be held after worship on August 25, 2024. Notification of the meeting and agenda will be made by U.S. mail, through One Call and from the pulpit.
Ken moved to adjourn the meeting and Pete seconded the motion. Motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 PM and Nathan closed in prayer.
Submitted by, Susan Hazel, Clerk
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