November Church Council Minutes

Council Minutes

November 2024 Wakeman Congregational Church

Church Council Minutes

Diaconate member, Jodee Palmer, called the church council meeting to order at 7:08 on Monday, November 4, 2024, in the church outreach building. Trustee chair, Steve Dillon, opened the meeting in prayer.

Those in attendance: Janet Ross, Pastor; Dan Green, Historian; Ken Green, Treasurer; JoDee Palmer, Diaconate; Brenda Friend, Steve Dillon & Pete Hazel, Trustees; Melinda Dalton, Missions; Keely Krumwiede, Music; Olivia Krumwiede, Christian Ed.; Susan Hazel, Clerk. 

The minutes of the September council meeting were approved as presented.  Motion by Steve Dillon.  Second by Brenda Friend.  Motion carried.

Calendar Dates:

  • November 10th Frost sugar cookies with Sunday School children
  • November 12th Frost sugar cookies at 6:00
  • November 16th 9:00 AM move furniture into apartment.
  • November 17th communion.
  • November 17th new members joining and reception to follow worship.
  • November 19th Make buckeyes at 6:00
  • November 21st Make fudge at 6:00
  • November 24th Hanging of the Greens following worship service.
  • November 25th December Messenger articles due
  • November 25th Thanksgiving Ecumenical Service at 7:00 at the Wakeman Congregational Church sanctuary.  Special offering to Caring Community.
  • December 7th Christmas in the Village.
  • December 7th Cookies by the Pound sale
  • December 7th Mini Mall.
  • December 14th Surviving the Holidays at 10:00 AM in the sanctuary (rsvp)
  • Cheer bags assembled and distributed.
  • December 16th Church Council Meeting.
  • December 24th Christmas Eve Service 4:30 PM
  • December 30th annual reports due.
  • January 8th assemble annual reports.
  • January 26th Annual Congregational Meeting following worship service.

Treasurer’s Report – Ken reported that:

  • The general operating expenses exceeded September income by $2,473.17.
  • October checks included payments to WR Band Boosters, supply ministers, David Lee Missions, WR School lunches.

Pastor’s Report – Janet reported that:

  • After further consideration, Pastor Janet has declined to co-chair the conference Harm Reduction and Overdose Protection program.  She will continue to help address this local concern for our community.
  • Pastor Janet recommended that Julie Murdock be considered for supply ministry on February 2nd or 9th.
  • After participating in the October 20th Membership Class, 

Pam Massey, Beth Gardner (Associate – membership in PA church), Michael Cress, Dwight and Janet Siron have asked to join our church on November 17th

Diaconate - Diaconate met on November 3rd and JoDee Palmer reported that:

  • Advent booklets have been received and Advent books for children are being selected.
  • Arrangements are being made for families to do readings and light candles during Advent.
  • Cheer bags will be assembled for distribution on December 15th.

Trustees – Steve Dillon reported that:

  • Trustees have received an estimate for an accessibility elevator/lift.  They have contacted Janotta and Herner for building construction estimates for this project.  J&H have architectural and engineering resources available to address the necessary details.  The Trustees have looked at a similar project completed by the Birmingham church.
  • On Thursday, dusk to dawn lights will be installed outside the Outreach Center.
  • Joe is finishing up with the work on the apartment.  He will complete flashing on the west roof and work on the Clothing Closet doors.

Christian Education: Olivia reported that:

  • A few members and friends have signed up to help with Sunday School.  She noted that the curriculum requires little preparation and is easy for volunteers to use.
  • Plans are being made for the Children’s Christmas Program.

Missions – Melinda reported that:

  • The Treat in a Tent (without the tent) activity was a big success. All 400 treats were handed out 10 minutes before the event ended.  The scripture message added to the treats was well received.
  • Operation Christmas Child Shoebox campaign will run through December 1st. There are options for members to donate to this mission either through packing their own box, or by ordering a box on-line.
  • The special Christmas Eve service offering will be divided between Huron County ROY (Reach Our Youth) and Firelands School lunch program.
  • 2025 Annual missions giving will be divided between the David Lee Missions and the Western Reserve lunch program.  In 2024, these two programs each received $2,000.

Social and Reception

  • The committee will be contacted regarding plans for a reception to welcome new members on November 17th.

Stewardship - Melinda reported that:

  • This year’s pledge theme, “One Church for All” is underway.  Carol Todd shared a great message on Sunday.   Melinda and Kenny will be offering a Stewardship moment during services in November.
  • The pledge letters were mailed out to members on October 21st. The campaign will also include Wednesday emails, weekly drawings and a church graph (made by the Sunday school children) to show weekly progress

Moving Forward Team – Keely & Melinda reported that: 

  • The October 1st ice cream social/ band concert was very successful.  Keely was thanked for providing the ice cream and the donated brownies served 150 people.  Next year we should provide a tip jar for the WR band.  A monetary donation was sent from the church to the WR Band Boosters.
  • Anyone interested in purchasing a church T-shirt should contact Keely Krumwiede.

Music – 

  • Keely would like to practice with choirs before the ecumenical Thanksgiving service.
  • She would also like to start practice for the bell choir for the Christmas Eve service.

Historian Dan Green suggested:

  • The church should do something to be more involved with 2025 Wakeman Homecoming / Firemen’s Festival.  Perhaps a chicken BBQ could be scheduled to coordinate with the end-of-July festival.  A Car Show was also discussed.
  • The church should consider creating an endowment brochure.  Perhaps Bruce Leimbach would be willing to assist with a program on estate planning and gifting. 

Old Business:  

  • The new sound system is in place. 
  • Pastor Janet expressed appreciation for Autumn Thomas, Dan Green, and Steve Dillon and all those who helped to make the Fall Fest a success.  Potluck, activities, hayride, campfire and camping was enjoyed by all who attended.

New Business: 

  • A summer 2025 potluck with St. Mary’s congregation was suggested.  Potentially, the gathering could include children’s games and use of the ball diamond for baseball or kickball games.   A car show could be part of the gathering as well.
  • The Trustees will meet to discuss the 2025 budget on November 13th and, if needed on December 11th. The Trustees will present the completed budget when Church Council meets on December 16th.
  •  Nominating committee members need to have recommendations to fill committee and officer positions by the end of December.   

Steve moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 PM and Brenda seconded the motion. Motion passed. 

Pastor Janet closed with prayer.


Susan Hazel, Clerk