- 3 Authentic Needs of People (Kary Oberbrunner, The Fine Line)
- Community
- Purpose
- Transcendence
- Acts 2:42-47— Context
- Description of the very earliest New Testament church after Pentecost; about 40 days after Jesus returned to the Father
- Began in Jerusalem
- They Were Devoted:
- Devoted—persistent; faithful in adhering to; denotes a sense of commitment
- The apostles teaching—reference to a body of material considered authoritative: they taught what Jesus taught them and what Jesus did for them
- Embodied in the Scriptures today
- We claim a higher source than personal or popular opinion for our authority
- Fellowship—koinonia—denotes intimacy and sharing
- The breaking of bread—most likely refers to both the Lord’s Supper and fellowship meals (done together)
- The “prayers”: suggest formal prayers, but allows random prayer as well
- Miraculous Ministry
- Those in awe: reference to those not believers—the events at Pentecost, the miracles performed, and the passion and community produced awe to those around
- Do we allow God to work in such a way that those outside the church would be in awe?
- Community Life
- A willingness to sacrificially give; fellowship touched the pocketbook
- Sincere and generous hearts—signifies an open-hearted attitude
- Ate together—shared meals; they shared life
- There is a sense that they truly enjoyed each other
- There was unity within the church and a heart to reach out
- The Result—the Lord added to their number
- Theological Reality: growth was in God’s hands; God blessed them; they were in God’s will
- Practical Reality: Their passion, unity, and generosity were attractive to others
- Authentic community is attractive; people long for a place they can belong: to be fully known and fully accepted