9/5/10 Nehemiah 1
September 5, 2010 Speaker: Matt Reed Series: 5 Walls
Passage: Nehemiah 1:10–
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- Background Nehemiah 1 (found on p. 472 of the pew bible)
- Written around 430B.C.
- Jerusalem (and all Judah) was conquered and destroyed by Babylon
- Babylonians took most of the Jews away in exile
- Persia conquered Babylon; then an edict allowed people to return to their homeland
- Many Jews already returned and rebuilt the temple (Ezra) 20 years before Nehemiah’s account
- Ezra and Nehemiah were originally one book
- The Man (Nehemiah)
- Cupbearer to the Persian king; not one of the returned exiles
- Privileged position; could advise the king
- Not a minister; but a layperson
- The Dilemma
- Reported to Nehemiah the city walls were in ruins
- Walls offered protection but also a symbol of identity and strength (to not have a wall was a disgrace)
- The people had seemed to accept situation (a defeated or complacent attitude)
- The Prayer
- Began with a passion—Nehemiah cared and it led him to pray (v. 4)
- His prayer was persistent—4 months of prayer and fasting (months of Kislev to Nisan; v. 1:1, 2:1)
- His prayer was God-centered: begins with who God is (v.5)
- His prayer included confession—both personal and corporate (vv. 6-7)
- He remembers God’s works and promises of the past (vv.8-10)
- His general prayer for the people included his willingness to be used by God (v. 11b)
- Rebuilding Our “Walls”; God’s Vision for Our Church
- Important Note in Applying this Text to Our Time:
- O.T. Israel—Come and see religion
- N.T. Church—Go out and make disciples
- Building upon the foundation of Scripture and Prayer
- Outreach focus: meeting the needs of the community
- Rebuilding the Children’s Ministry
- Rebuilding the Youth Ministry
- Building a Small Group Ministry
- Building a Music Ministry and worship service that reflects the old and new (The Ancient-Future path)
- Important Note in Applying this Text to Our Time:
More in 5 Walls
November 21, 2010
11/21/10 Nehemiah summaryNovember 14, 2010
11/14/10 Nehemiah 12November 7, 2010
11/7/10 Nehemiah 10